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Collection & Recycling

Reduce waste. Save money.

Smetco makes disposal of end boards and other H-pack components easy. Save space, time and money...all while reducing your environmental footprint.

Packaging waste in the way?

Converting starts with flex film deliveries. But roll suspension packaging presents a real challenge for most businesses. As end boards and core plugs pile up they slow down operations and compromise employee safety. Disposing of materials through a waste collection contractor can be expensive and inconvenient. Not to mention packaging components typically end up directly in the waste stream — there is now a better way with the Smetco recovery and reuse program.

We collect packaging materials from industry, sort them and return them to manufacturers. 80% of the materials can be reused. The remaining 20% — including wood, metal and plastic — is recycled. 

When you set up a collection schedule we’ll pick up and recycle in-bound packaging materials — endboards, steel clips and core plugs. You’ll save on your usual waste disposal fees. As a bonus, you may be eligible for a rebate

How it works

Get recycling today.

The Smetco recovery and reuse program is a seamless process to collect your in-bound packaging waste, sort it and reuse it. Here’s how it works:

Here’s how it works:

Schedule icon


Let us know how often you need pickup and we’ll schedule it.
Pickup icon


We’ll make arrangements to collect your materials.
Save icon


Get rid of your in-bound packaging! Save space, time and money on waste disposal fees… and reduce your environmental footprint in the process!
Start Recycling